Category: Stories of Hope
Mama Bear Marie: Holding Strong
February 20, 2025Thank you, Marie, for sharing your story with our Mama Bear Care community! We love to see your Mama Bear strength and spirit! Mama Bear Marie: Holding Strong Meet one of our Mama Bears! Marie is mama to sweet Azariah. Though she wasn’t given much hope after receiving a prenatal diagnosis, Marie gave birth in […]
more...Dee’s Story: Every Story Is Different!
January 29, 2025We were so glad when Dee said she wanted to share her story about her daughter, Mattison, and her prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 9. As Dee shares below, every story is different! Thank you Dee for sharing your story with our Mama Bear Care community! We love to see your Mama Bear strength and spirit! […]
more...What I Would Have Missed: Part 4
February 19, 2024When parents join our Verity’s Village community, they have often received a “fatal fetal diagnosis” according to their doctors. At Verity’s Village, we choose the phrase “life-limiting” prenatal diagnosis, as we know and our parents know that their babies have a time to be with their parents however long that might be. In the post […]
more...What I Would Have Missed: Part 3
January 17, 2024When parents join our Verity’s Village community, they have often received a “fatal prenatal diagnosis” according to their doctors. At Verity’s Village, we choose the phrase “life-limiting” prenatal diagnosis, as we know and our parents know that their babies have a time to be with their parents however long that might be. In the post […]
more...Our Beliefs & Values
December 16, 2023Hope for Prenatal Diagnosis In light of recent news headlines detailing the difficult case of a family in Texas seeking an abortion after receiving a diagnosis of Trisomy 18, we feel it is appropriate to share our perspective and philosophy. We want people to know there is hope for a prenatal diagnosis. Our nonprofit ministry […]
more...What I Would Have Missed: Part 2
December 12, 2023When we shared “What I Would Have Missed: Part 1,” we had many people respond to the love expressed by our parents for their babies with a diagnosis. A life-limiting prenatal diagnosis can seem so overwhelming to parents, friends, family, and others connected to mom and dad, and we can forget to focus on the […]
more...What I Would Have Missed: Part 1
November 15, 2023When a parent is given a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis for their baby, we can mistakenly focus on missing out on the pain and avoiding the grief. No matter what decision is made, grief is unavoidable, but the focus on what a parent will actually miss if they terminate their pregnancy can be life saving: life […]
more...Christi’s Story: “What if your baby lives?”
October 20, 2023Many of our stories come from our Verity’s Village online community, but the presence of the grander community affected by a prenatal diagnosis is larger than our online community. Each of us are in cities with others who have been given a diagnosis or are caring for a child who received a diagnosis. In my […]
more...April’s Letter: To Thomas Henry
September 20, 2023Rather than our typical blog post sharing the overall story of a parent and their baby’s diagnosis, today’s blog post shares one of our Verity’s Village mother’s letter to her son. By her permission, we are allowed a window into her pregnancy, her special times with her son, and her choice to spend this time […]
more...Cheryl’s Story: Waiting with Hope
August 23, 2023As we love to encourage our parents to reach out with their stories, so our Verity’s Village parents have an ongoing invite to share their families’ stories to our blog. Cheryl agreed to share her ongoing story about Elijah Raphael her sweet son. Her little Elijah Raphael was originally diagnosed with iniencephaly, but as they […]