“Incompatible with Life”

March 22, 2022

Doctors told Elisa during her pregnancy that her baby boy was “incompatible with life.” Here she shares her story. Elisa’s Story “At 16 weeks of pregnancy, I found out that my baby very likely had Trisomy 18. ‘Don’t google it’ is what my midwife said. Of course, I did look it up, and I was […]


Trisomy Awareness Month

March 19, 2022

Did you know? March is Trisomy Awareness Month! Many families in our support network have learned their babies have a trisomy condition. This means their cells have an extra copy of one (or even more than one) chromosome. While any chromosome can be affected, the most common of these conditions are: Trisomy 21, Down syndrome […]


A Much Different Pregnancy

February 1, 2022

Despite already having five children of her own and also raising two nephews, Rose knew her family story wasn’t quite over. In November of 2020, she saw a familiar pink line on a pregnancy test, the faintest one she had ever seen. Now she believes that was possibly the first sign that this pregnancy would […]


Staci’s Story: From Heartache to Hope

January 15, 2022

Staci, a mom who joined the Verity’s Village support network, shares her story of moving from heartache to hope. Devastated and heartbroken “April 22, 2021. I’ll never forget the day we received the earth shattering news at 26.5 weeks pregnant that our sweet baby girl Harlow had some major birth defects and suspected trisomy 13. […]


Highlights From Our First Year of Ministry

December 31, 2021

Our prenatal support group, From Diagnosis to Delivery, is finishing its first full year of existence. And what an amazing year of supporting families who received a life-limiting diagnosis! I wish I had time to tell you about all 117 babies we have had the privilege of honoring. For now, we will share some of […]


Artwork for Bereaved Parents

December 29, 2021

Knowing the holidays are especially difficult for those who experience loss, Verity’s Village decided early in our ministry that we would make it a priority to bless bereaved parents with a special gift to commemorate the life of their child. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, Verity’s Village partnered with Everly’s Art to send […]


Baby Joel Defies Expectations

December 12, 2021

Sarah, Joel’s mama, received her son’s trisomy diagnosis when she was pregnant. Of course she faced uncertainty during her pregnancy, although baby Joel defies expectations today! Despite her concern and the low expectations of many doctors, she chose to support Joel however she could. She researched during her pregnancy and after delivery to find the […]


Miracle Babies: Twin Born with Trisomy 18

December 9, 2021

In January of 2021 Steven and Maria learned they were pregnant….with twins! At Maria’s 12 week checkup, her Doctor strongly advised her to take part in the genetic screening. Because of the doctor’s persistence, Maria agreed to the screening. Steven shares the following about these miracle babies: “A few weeks after the test, we received […]


All Worth It, Even for 10 Minutes

November 8, 2021

“I am grateful for the ten minutes that I had with her because it made it all worth it.” Alayia’s love for her precious daughter, Journee Miracle, shines so powerfully in this beautiful photo. Journee’s rare diagnosis of Trisomy 1q brought many emotions throughout Alayia’s pregnancy. We are so grateful we could connect with this […]


If I Had Known…

September 11, 2021

If I had known… If I had known your sweet face would utterly take my breath away… If I had known your once tightly clenched fists would open up to pat my arm… If I had known your crinkly-eyed grin would light up our world… If I had known your tiny feet, clubbed at birth, […]
