Evangeline Renee Williams

November 15, 2024

On September 25th 2023 at our 20 week antenatal scan we received unexpected news that our baby had a heart defect. I was upset but never once considered a genetic reason and assumed at worst our baby might need heart surgery after she’s born. A week later we were flown to a specialist appointment where […]


Colette Cook Hasty

November 15, 2024

Colette was given the diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Trisomy 6p Unique a few weeks later from her genetic testing. Initially before even getting a full picture of what HLHS was, we were told to abort our first child. We refused and chose life instead for her! We didn’t care what “could be […]


Rosalie Walker

November 15, 2024

Our baby was given a “lethal” diagnosis at our 20 week anatomy scan. We were told she had “agnathia otocephaly”. Her ears were where her jaw should be, she didn’t have a mouth or nose and she had one centrally located eye. Her head was smaller than it should be and her brain didn’t split. […]
